Hillside Drive, Yonkers, NY
Left: 1906
Right: 2008
Lawrence Street and Saratoga Avenue
Left: circa 1906
Right: 2008
Cornell Avenue, Yonkers
Left: 1906
Right 2008
The following two photos
are of St. Andrews Place off of South Broadway.
The left one is circa 1906 and the right picture is from 2008
The two photos above (the side-by-side images) are 2008 and
circa 1905. They are also from St. Andrew's Place, but on the opposite side of the street.
Rockland Avenue, Park Hill, Yonkers
Left: 1909
Right: 2008
Hillcrest Avenue, Park Hill, Yonkers
Left: 1909
Right: 2008
Rockland Avenue, Park Hill, Yonkers
Left: 1909
Undercliff Street, Park Hill, Yonkers
Left: 1910
Right: 2008
Hawthorne Avenue Yonkers
Photo Left: 1900
Photo Right 2008
Vista Avenue
Photo Left: 1901
Photo Right: 2008
Buena Vista Avenue
Left: 1901
Right: 2008
Vista Avenue Yonkers
Left: 1901
Right: 2008
South Broadway looking south from Highland Avenue.
Left: Circa 1906
Right: 2008
12 Overcliff Street in Park Hill. The photo at the left is circa 1900. The photo at the right was taken in 2009.
Yonkers Teutonia Hall
Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers
Photo at left Circa 1903
at Right 2009
Picture on left is Bruce Avenue circa 1903. Photo to the right is how this street looks today. Some of the original homes
62 Rockland Avenue in the Park Hill section of Yonkers. The photo at the left shows how the house looked
in 1910 as just built. The photo at the right was taken in 2008 almost 100 years later.
Photos Above: 30 Hawley Terrace in Northwest Yonkers.
Left photo 1899.
Right photo 2010.
305 Warburton Avenue. Left Photo dates circa 1901. Right Photo 2009.
Photo at the left is 14 Fairfield Road, in Southwest Yonkers circa 1904, Photo at the right is the same
residence in 2010. Yes, it is the same residence.
Photo at the left is 123 Valentine Lane in Southwest Yonkers circa 1903. Photo at right (from Google images®)
shows the same location as it appears today in 2010.
430 North Broadway Yonkers. Photo at the left taken in 1900. Photo at the right 2009.
612 North Broadway Yonkers
Left photo 1900
2 photos 2010.
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"We will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed."
New York Times Editorial,
Oct. 30, 1963
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